15 march 2011, 10:22 views 170475
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About us

Welcome to our website!

Our goal is to study, analyze and promote the true history and culture of Moldova, as well as Moldavian civilization as a whole. The authors of the site are a group of 50 people, specialists in the fields of history, religion, culture, political science, business, economics and finance.

Among us are managers, teachers, architects, doctors, designers, programmers, photographers, philologists, linguists and other professionals, who have the knowledge, as well as the ideas of the development in the corresponding fields of scientific and practical activities. We are united by love to our country, as well as a desire to help those, who can improve the life of Moldovans and want to do so.

www.moldovenii.md is a resource where you can get acquainted with the most important information and news, obtained from reliable and trustworthy sources, about history, culture, settlements, the Diaspora and development programmes of Moldova. On our site you can find text, audio, photo and video information.

A modern search engine will give you access to a rich library, which contains all sorts of materials, related to the site topics, including the Moldovan music, movies, literature and art, as well as information about the customs, cuisine, nature, architecture of Moldova, etc.

www.moldovenii.md is a platform for discussions, where you can express your opinion and participate in surveys on all topics of interest of Moldovans and people of other nationalities...

www.moldovenii.md is an interactive resource. It involves collaboration with the users, their participation in preparation and implementation of various projects. We will be grateful to visitors, who will take part in the replenishment of the information on the website by sending us new text, photos, audio and video materials.

Our site is independent from the state and does not support any of the political parties.

At the same time, we support the desire of politicians to understand the ideas contained in our project, and we welcome those who will take on their implementation. However, our portal will not promote such activities of the politicians, but also it will not be critical of those who will decide to borrow these ideas. We positively perceive any attempt to realize our ideas, as we are convinced that development programme, set out on the pages of our website, objectively, is the way out of the difficult situation, in which Moldova found itself, and is important for the full-fledged development not only of the Moldovan people, but the human civilization on the Earth as a whole. It is us, the Moldovans, whose task it is to implement such a programme in the framework of the whole country.

We have enough strength and enthusiasm in order to maintain and develop the project on a permanent basis; however, any additional funds provided to us free of charge or as a payment for advertising, will give more opportunities for the study of the history and culture of the Moldavian civilization, creating and implementing new ideas for the development of our people and the state.

Welcome to «Moldovans» project!

În contextul lansării programului ”Satul European”, ce probleme vitale există în localitatea dumneavoastră?

Settlements of Moldova
Prima atestare:
863 locuitori

Grăseni este un sat din cadrul comunei Todireşti, raionul Ungheni. Localitatea se află la distanța de 18 km de orașul Ungheni și la 95 km de Chișinău. Conform datelor recensământului din anul 2004, populaţia satului constituiae 863 de oameni. Satul Grăseni a fost menționat documentar în anul 1534 cu denumirea Greceni.

Electronic library of www.moldovenii.md contains books, documents, audio and video materials about the Moldavian history, culture and civilization from the ancient time to nowadays.