13 january 2011, 11:26 views 293807
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Traditional cuisine

Food is the basis of human life and health. Cooking was and remains one of the main activities of mankind. Since ancient times, people have been concerned with the dependence of health on food. The nutrition system is affected by the environment, climate conditions, economic development, employment and relations with other ethnic groups.

Food and its ingredients, cooking methods of daily, seasonal, festive and ritual meals, diet, ways of consuming food, table manners and ethno social symbols - all these things create a system of values, tightly connected to the history and ethnic culture of the Moldavian people.

Taste and visual preferences that indicate traditional or social norms and different influences are found in traditional cooking. Comparing to other areas of material culture, traditional cooking retains its customs and proverbial wisdom, the conceptual view and the original method of cooking dishes, ways of using them and their ethnic significance. All this confirms that Moldavian traditional food is a system of ethnic and cultural values (methods of storing and cooking, recipes, food categories depending on the purpose, time and place of the meal, participants, age, etc.).

In the ethnic cuisine phenomenon, the innovative and creative potential of craftsmen, specialized in different areas of production, is distinctly expressed; among them are millers, fishermen, beekeepers, gardeners, craftsmen that churned butter, distillers, bakers, cheese makers, cooks, butchers, smoked meat masters and experts of more than 30 other crafts. Along with them, of great importance are the masters who make utensils, vessels and fabrics for food storage and cooking (potters, masters who male wooden spoons, coopers, and weavers). Throughout time specialized craft centers associated with traditional cuisine appeared everywhere.

Under these circumstances, along with the natural resources and original ethnic and cultural values, cuisine has a primary role. Because of this, we would like to present you the Moldavian cuisine in various aspects for everybody interested in it.

Information on the national Moldavian food, that are presented on the pages of "Moldavian cuisine", was collected during ethnographic expeditions and gathered from the experienced chefs' practice and from the competent authors.

The materials are classified in chronological order by original methods of preparation for different occasions, seasons, calendar and family holidays, traditional and modern cuisine, etc.

The traditional and modern cuisine list has original recipes and cooking techniques, illustrations describing hot and cold dishes, pastries, sweets, drinks, canned food, etc.

On the webpage you can learn more about the food culture as a social matrix during family celebrations and rituals, traditions and ethnic symbols. The regional specifics of the certain dishes' preparation are shown from an ethnographic point of view.

În contextul lansării programului ”Satul European”, ce probleme vitale există în localitatea dumneavoastră?

Settlements of Moldova
Prima atestare:
1388 locuitori

Jevreni este un sat şi comună din raionul Criuleni. Jevreni este unicul sat din comuna cu acelaşi nume. Localitatea se află la distanța de 14 km de orașul Criuleni și la 57 km de Chișinău. Conform datelor recensămîntului din anul 2004, populaţia satului constituia 1388 de oameni. Satul Jevreni a fost menționat documentar în anul 1436.

Electronic library of www.moldovenii.md contains books, documents, audio and video materials about the Moldavian history, culture and civilization from the ancient time to nowadays.